Welcome to the September 2023 issue of the H2scan Digest
In this issue we present:
- A Note from H2scan CEO Dave Meyers
- Alabama Power Installs Single Gas Continuous DGA Monitors on Transformers
- Pacific Northwest National Laboratory’s Carl Imhoff Discusses Utility Industry
- Meet H2scan’s New VP of Marketing and Product Management, France Meder
- Hydrogen Tomorrow News
- Upcoming Tradeshows and Conferences
Still want the PDF version of our Digest? You can download it here.
A Note from H2scan CEO Dave Meyers
We believe that the health and safety of our communities is dependent on access to sustainable energy. As such, we are focused on educating the industry and government on the benefits of power transformer health monitoring to reduce the risk of failures and resulting power outages and potential fires or injuries.
This summer, I met with a government committee established to address the transformer shortages as well as the offices of Senator Feinstein and Senator Padella of California. I conveyed that our Gen 5 solution can be used as a reliable, cost-effective health monitor for small to large transformer fleets to meet these goals. Our approach is in contrast to the current industry practice of only monitoring large transformers with expensive complex monitoring solutions.
Our education efforts are starting to pay off as you can see in the Alabama Power article below. They are using our Gen 5 sensor to reduce transformer operational expenses and risk. We expect other utilities to follow this example, leading to an increase in energy availability delivered to communities.
Alabama Power Points Way to Cost-Effective Transformer Monitoring

To optimize their operations and save money on future O&M expenses, Alabama Power will install single gas continuous dissolved gas analysis (DGA) sensors on its network transformers. One major benefit of this decision is a dramatic savings in DGA lab testing – the company will only need to pull and send an oil sample for lab testing if the sensor indicates there is a problem with a transformer.
This announcement by Alabama Power demonstrates the company’s belief that continuous hydrogen DGA sensing improves visibility into transformer health and will save them both time and money.
To learn more, read the full article in ENSC Magazine (page 5).
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory's Carl Imhoff Discusses Utility Industry

H2scan Welcomes France Meder to the Team

H2scan is excited to welcome France to the team as its new VP of Marketing and Product Management! Based in California, France brings a broad range of strategic product management and marketing experience to H2scan. She recently worked for Teledyne Instruments, where she held roles as OEM Account Manager, Process Gas Product Manager, and Director of Technical Services serving the industrial, semiconductor and environmental gas markets, overseeing four divisions. Prior to Teledyne, France was a Product Marketing Manager at AMETEK.
With over 20 years of marketing and product management experience, launching new products, rationalizing product lines, bringing new technology to the market as well as integrating acquisitions, we are pleased to have France on board. Protect your investment with coque iphone 13, an essential solution to ensure the safety and aesthetics of your device. Our cases combine style and protection, allowing you to fully enjoy your iPhone 13 while protecting it from bumps and scratches. Choose quality and durability for your smartphone.
Hydrogen Tomorrow News
Hydrogen sensing a solution for risks facing the addition of hydrogen to California gas systems:
Some argue that hydrogen poses explosion risks due to the high flammability range, potential for leaks, and pipeline embrittlement and crack formation when the wrong materials are used. Whatever the outcome, hydrogen leak detection technology like that offered by H2scan mitigates these risks and will play a pivotal role in solving these concerns.Global Hydrogen Detection Industry Report 2023:
A $410 million market by 2028 from $240 million in 2023 with Teledyne, Honeywell, Figaro Engineering, H2scan: The global hydrogen detection market is set on a growth trajectory, with a projected value of USD 410 million by 2028, showcasing a compelling CAGR of 11.3% from 2023 to 2028.Upcoming Tradeshows
The 2023 Northern Industrial Battery Services Ltd (NiBS) Battery Conference will feature a range of informative technical papers presented by industry experts and related to battery design, industry developments, charger and UPS selection, system sizing, industry best practice and user studies with ample opportunity for questions and discussion. The event takes place in Shropshire, England on November 1-2, 2023. Learn more here.
Planning to attend? Email us for a meeting: [email protected]!

Global Hydrogen Conference
The 3rd Global Hydrogen Conference is an interactive virtual conference from Global Hydrogen Review, focusing on innovative technology and solutions that will help to accelerate the hydrogen revolution. You can expect a range of presentations from leading companies in the hydrogen sector, and live Q&As with industry experts on key topics. H2scan is a conference sponsor. The event takes place on November 2, 2023. Learn more here.
Planning to attend? Email us for a meeting: [email protected]!